Friday, January 22, 2010

Good News and Window Shopping!

We just found out that I can get a job, exceed the income cap for our income-controlled complex, and still be able to stay here since we're already in the apartment! Which means that in May when our current roomie leaves we get a real master suite that will fit our dresser and I can make a real dining room. ANDANDAND A CRAFT ROOM/GUEST ROOM! I'm so damned excited right now. ^__________________^

SO! To celebrate the occasion, I've dug around a bit and am going to post a few things on my list of awesome stuff to buy. Or at least think of buying. haha



What I want:


What I'll probably end up with:

Yes, I realize IKEA is often a rip off, but I'm on a tight budget and you can't beat a $20 table that fits a sewing machine perfectly!

And organization at eye level so as to keep a certain three year old out of harm's way. Or is that keep my supplies out of harm's way?

I'm especially in love with clear jar containers. If I can find plastic ones to suit my needs, I'll be so ecstatic.

Bonus info: I have bought the paint for my mirror. Joey's going to be staying at my mother's house tomorrow night so it will be painting time! I can't wait. ^_^

PS I love exclamation points!!!


  1. Do want at a craft room 0.0 That makes me so unbelievably jealous. Having a craft room is my dream!

    Also, I had a futon like the brown on in the middle, and after a year of use the seating area became broken in, while the back area remained relatively newish, which made for a really shitty place to sleep. Just keep that kind of thing in mind when you're shopping. I wish I had known.

  2. Awwww...That's lame. I was also looking into these really cool futon loveseats with adjustable leg positions and nice chenille covers. They're about $400, though. I think that might be out of my range. We'll see when the time comes!

  3. Hi~
    Thanks for stopping by The Decorated House.

    In answer to your question.
    The pulls came with a dresser.
    But I did find 2 much like those, on Ebay a while back. Great place to look. They usually run about $7 up (if I remember correctly) for the nice vintage ones.

    Best of luck with all your new decorating plans!
